
3 story houses and bungalows connected

Located in Zandrijk, Meerhoven, Eindhoven.

Here they alternate the dark brown 3 story houses with the white bungalows. Every other house. Again, an interesting design because it seems more spacious - instead of one tall wall of 3 story row homes - which I will picture in a later post.

The bungalows, when they come on the market for sale - seem to have trouble selling - from what I've seen. It seems that people who buy a bungalow - do not want to be squished up against a 3 story home - less privacy probably.

I like the 3 story houses though, they look like a tall wedge of cheese - wrong color though. And I like the narrow skinny windows - horizontal windows... though it doesn't seem like they would get enough light with all those bricks. They are nice looking anyways.

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