
Split Leveled Row Homes

Location: Veldhoven

In this one particular part of Veldhoven - well all over Veldhoven actually - whenever there is a new home or homes being built - they are all very modern. I haven't seen any 1930's designs... but I could be wrong. Anyways, in this one part of Veldhoven - I think it's called the Polders - or just a bit north of there - near Waterwijk - they built these split level row homes. Or maybe they call them geschakkled homes - town homes to the English speakers. Anyways, they are unique because they change from color to color depending on the level - ground level, 1st, 2nd, etc. But they are boring because they are virtually all the same. But to make it interesting, these homes aren't just in a straight row - they are built on a curve. Meaning the whole row of homes curves along the street. Okay, one is also turned on it's side - see corner house below. These also have the garage half under ground - which we saw in the previous Bungalow post. These used to be some of my favorites but now after having seen so many other modern designs - they've dropped down the list for me. I still like them though - I think they look better in person - up close - if you can walk up to them and look inside peoples' windows thats always better - annoying for the people living there - but you get a better idea at the design features inside. Anyways, without further adieu - here are two more photos:

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