
Bungalow in Yellow

Location: Eindhoven

I can see why some people prefer yellow for homes. This color just makes me happy. Even on a gloomy day - which is most days in Holland (but luckiy not this one) - you wake up to a cheerful color. I also like the split level thing they have going on in this design. Most bungalows that I've seen do the split level thing. With the garage half way in the ground - as you see with this one. And of course, it's important to have good landscaping with your expensive one-of-a-kind home. Now the most special thing about this design - is the window there above the door - how there is an overhang - creating shade - and giving the illusion that they just stacked some blocks up to make this home. I like that. Very cool. And especially how the window in the corner there is 3 windows next to each other all at 90 degree turns - no brick columns in between. I think that is also a common design feature in modern homes. One that I happen to like :-)

Remember - you can always click on the photo to zoom in!

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